Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Weather's Dreary but Today Life is Cheery

The title rhyme is downright awful but today I feel in to good a mood to attempt better. After all, who would not have a smile after finding a downright awesome gluten-free bakery? Not only did I get a fresh chocolate donut (with sprinkles!) but a loaf of Cinnamon Swirl bread I'm still munching on.

More importantly it's nice to spend time away from home. Not a single doctor's appointment this week is even better. Most importantly is spending time with an old friend (and a new baby). They make a cold rainy day feel warm and bright.

True. Original plans for a zoo day have fallen through. Animals are about as fond of the cold rain as we are. Best to stay under a thick blanket with a cozy cup of Strawberry Oolong Tea. I'm even going to attempt to follow the process of slow-cooking. If all goes well, the long-time boyfriend can stop feigning terror at the mention of me cooking. If not, I'm sure she will salvage the leftovers and make it delicious.

So for everyone out there...whether it's sunny or rainy...enjoy your day!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Inspiration Found at Starbucks (Cliche but not Quite)

Opting out of the grandma-grandbaby pool time I was dropped off to enjoy a solo hour all to myself at Starbucks. I haven't been to one in quite a while and was amazed at the crowd. Seemed like all the soccer moms had dragged along their kids (on Easter vacation) for their morning caffeine. Just getting to the counter felt like an absolute blow to all the chiropractor's latest adjustments. I was half-hanging onto the counter/gripping the cane for dear life/shifting my weight so the blood wouldn't pool down to my legs and pull me down with it.

After some very intense 'you will not faint...that was a little to close to fainting...wtf!..just give up on the Chai Tea Latte already! internal arguing I am proud to say I managed to order, get my drink, and find my way to a spot in the tiny place. How I got talking to the young man I found inspiring I am not precisely sure. I think it was on the topic of his Lucky Strike cigarettes. They are an unusual choice for a smoke and caught my eye.

The gist of our talk was this man was downright inspiring himself. At first I didn't understand what he mean when he said he was a resident of *****. I thought he meant a medical student but he immediately set me straight. "Outpatient for a severe severe case of OCD." He used to wash his hands sixty plus times a day, followed by wet wipe. He couldn't leave the house. Sometimes he had trouble just drinking a glass of water, never mind a simple task like making the bed. Yet, after forty days in ****** he was able to function and is finishing up graduate school for a master's in creative writing.

I was impressed. He even has a book coming out later this year. Talk about a lot of inspiration from a single person you meet over a Starbucks beverage. By the end of the hour we had both found something inspiring in each others lives. He shrugged off my amazement but I don't say things lightly. Being able to live with yourself when yourself has its own agenda takes strength most of us don't have. Talking to him reminded me of how little I have been interacting with the people in this world.

Perhaps I need to get out to Starbucks more. More like, I need to continue doing the work I should be doing. Maybe even stop making origami flowers by the many. Spring is here and although it's not supposed to be above the 40s for a while, it still is about time I left the winter doldrums behind.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Kagayaku sora no shijima ni wa

Are the words which fill my mind today. The lyrics spill forth from my monotone voice as I sit here. I wish life were different . Attending a baby' s first birthday makes me long for what could have been. I wish I were where I should be. The life I planned for.

Is it wrong to feel envy ? I feel it is not but I still do. Perhaps it is the booze talking or the hidden emotions speaking. In the 'silence of the shining sky ' lies what I wish. To be free...or to be whole. Is it the same? There are days I swear it is. Yet I go on with a smile. Makeup can make a sick exterior healthy but not free the soul.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Must Have Had a Childhood Taste For Lead Pencils

The heavy metal results are in! I wish this meant the top heavy metal bands or something cooler than the truth. Yep. The truth is those are my heavy metal urine test results.

Way way back, aka February, I think I described the testing. It can be summed up as miserable with a side of severe itchiness. This is when I first learned itchiness is a legit side effect and a severe case? I will take pain over it!

This morning has been very long so excuse that tangent. The results prior to taking horse-size DMSO were peachy for lead levels. After the DMSO 'cleaner' I must have sucked/possibly eaten a lead pencil or six in childhood. My lead level was over FOUR times the recommended amount.

I had been wondering why my bar graph mark was suddenly in the red post-pills. My mother looked concerned/why the heck is my daughter brimming with lead. I was trying to recall if I had eaten a lead pencil/other amusing scenarios. I did return to the reality without attempting to convey the humor I find in this. Actually in all my medical nonsense.

The big question is what to do about all this. Build ups of lead in the body can lead to very bad scenarios. You can't just take a pill and urinate it all out either. Firstly, I got to visit with my fave nurse while she poked me for a vial or three of blood. Gotta test for lead levels and other junk in there before proceeding.

There are several treatment ideas to lowering my lead levels. If I were not on a mobile device typing I might explain. Or not. The plan for me is the intravenous route, cheers to shooting down the dastardly DMSO pills, which puts EDTA directly into the bloodstream. Do this once a week to every other week and keep going and going. Some people do it for years as it is a gradual process to giving high levels of lead a sweet good bye.

All in all, I find my usual humor in this never ending medical saga. There's always more to be said but I am just getting off a lazy blog streak so this is today's end.