I adore Mystery Diagnosis because 1) diseases are fascinating 2) it's thrilling when people finally get an answer to their problems. The case in point on an episode I saw today was a lady whose symptoms were unable to be diagnosed by simple blood tests or MRI. She lost her husband, years with her children, her job, and almost gave up hope. Frustrated with doctors she decided to embark on her own search for answers. After all, when doctor's think 'it's all in your head' you really have nothing to lose by looking for answers yourself. So she searched the internet and found a condition which sounded exactly like every symptom she was experiencing. The description could have been completely her own.
She contacted a specialist in the area and he was able to clearly diagnose her with Mal de débarquement syndrome. The news was bittersweet. Her condition is rare and there is no cure or truly effective treatment. Still, she solved her medical mystery and vindicated her condition. Like so many of us medical mysteries, we aren't crazy. The doctors just fail to look beyond your simple average tests. This lady's doctor did a posturography for diagnosis. Something none of her other doctor's thought to do. He realized she was truly sick and did something to give her a name to her nightmare.
This lady deserves to be respected for her decision to never give up on an answer. My own medical mystery has pieces solved but the whole question remains unanswered. Watching Mystery Diagnosis was definitely a boost to the health morale today! She didn't give up looking for an answer and neither will the rest of us. Life's to short to wait eternally for a doctor to find one.
Paper Crane Update!-> 22
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