Saturday, October 19, 2013

If this chronically ill girl has talent then so do you! So get out and use it!

One of the stupidest things I hear people say is, "I'm not talented. I don't have a single talent." Well that is clearly nonsense. Everyone has at least one talent. You just need to listen to this chronically ill blog and find it. Why am I bringing up talent today? The answer is simple. I am feeling very talented this week.*

Sanka's feeling very Olympic!
*This completely makes me think of Cool Runnings where Sanka says he is feeling very olympic today to these bobsledders who don't seem to know English. If you have not seen Cool Runnings then you really really need to. It's to classic to pass up!

I am not going crazy. There is a legitimate reason for me to be feeling talented. Shaky hands and all. If you read my blog then you know I wrote an Amazon Product Review on the Watercolors Which Brought Out My Passion (Click Here to Read It). The reason I did is because all Rocketsquids and Giant Squids get to participate in a ten-day (or was it 14?) challenge where the top 5 reviews are chosen each day. Each review winner receives  $100 for the next PayPal pay day. I entered and of course checked the next day. Being myself I read the wrong thing and thought, "Hey ho! At least I got in practice on the new format!" Then got a comment congratulating me on my win which was followed by, "Hey ho! Acting like an idiot and thinking I had lost makes winning so much better!"

You would think I would have told everyone but it took me a day to bring the grand total of 'yay I have done something kinda successful' news to two non-online people. The talented feeling is best kept to myself. Next week I might feel like my only talent is not being sad over this chronic illness. The whole point of the matter is: we may not feel talented every day but all of us do have a talent. Sometimes our talent lies in being able to make others laugh or painting or teaching or cleaning the garbage can like none other.

Sometimes appreciating other people's talents helps you jump start finding your own. Hence why Googleplus communities are awesome. There are so many talented people out there waiting to inspire you. I know because I see talent on here every day. And if you are looking for a talent anyone with hands can do then of course you can check out my latest Amazon Product Review: Origami Gave Life to My Shaky Hands. You never know what you will find in life if you only start looking for it!

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