2. I will attempt to give more vegetables a fair chance, including all types of squash, eggplant, and even tomatoes. We shall see how it goes.
3. I am going to remind myself to eat on a more regular basis so I can avoid lectures on my sporadic eating habits.
4. I will continue looking for a means to support myself.
5. I will look forward to the future aka meaning some where the air is fresh and the sea is close.
6. I will face the cold without complaint. Now that I feel the cold again this negative degree weather really sucks.
7. Everyday should be a day where something gets done, even if its only a few moments of worthy work.
8. I will say I love you less . Instead of saying those words I will let my actions speak for themselves.
9. I will face my fears today and not tomorrow.
10. This goes for making phone calls. I hate calling doctors but I need to do it now to avoid a disaster later.
11. I will find more to love in the mirror than to hate.
12. Compassion is a part of me. I will look for ways to share it. There must be something this chronically ill gal can do for this world!
13. I will try to understand others insecurities even when they just downright confuse me.
14. I will not let the past feelings between family stop from building worthy relationships for the future.
15. I WILL donate my hair BEFORE I leave on an international trip.
16. I will become adept at typing on my new e reader.
17. Technology will be a friend NOT a foe.
18. Love more. Think ugly thoughts less.
19. I will yell or throw things or cry to show anger. Not just smile & laugh.
20. No longer be afraid to share all I love.
21. I will paint without fear. Sometimes you need to let go of your artistic worries and go for it.
22. Accept my chronic illness as is. No matter what may happen.
23. No matter how bad my body is feeling, how impossible walking becomes, how scary the tremors look...I will get past them. Life is to short to allow my health to stop me from the friendships I treasure.
24. I will get over myself and look to God in my times of need. He is always there for me. Even when I am to stupid to remember it.
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