It's amazing how a simple penny war can leave you feeling like a millionaire. Saturday was a huge morale boost to someone with little money in the bank. The whole tale started with a 1st birthday party which led to my little cousins entering the sty I call a room. I don't even sleep there often so them entering was a bit unusual in itself.
of course my lovely godchild spotted two pennies on the messy floor. My other cousin was thrilled. "My class is having a penny war to raise money for Africa." A very vague statement but I assured her it was fine in fact I had a basket overflowing with pennies.
Her face lit up at that. I was thrilled to get rid of a pile of useless change as I loathe carrying the stuff. When I said it was all hers she was glowing and talking a mile a minute. "I've looked through them but please just help me find the other currencies" as mixed in were euro cents and Canadian pennies.
Being able to give when you have barely anything to your name felt amazing. I am chronically so doing anything to help others cheers me up. I used to volunteer back in the healthy days. Now I was giving out change. O how life changes us.
She left the house with my painting, pennies galore, and a smile worth millions. I felt better for a moment there knowing what little I had would help her and whatever vague plans for Africa. I wish I could do more. I would pay my parent's, mortgage, buy them their first completely new car, and take those chronically ill on vacation. We need travel escape too!
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