Like almost all the others it was Hallmark made or some top card brand. The envelope was colored although looking back, I don't remember what color and it is relevant to this tale. The same goes with the outside and message inside. Both were lovely but I can't recall either and besides, it is the thought which counts.
The thought which came from...um...who??! I read the name. Blank and Blank Last Name. I hit a blank. Sometimes I have a vague idea only of who a card is from. This time I had no idea. Nada. It's a strange sensation knowing someone cared enough to send a card but you have absolutely no clue who they were. Furthermore, it's nigh impossible to try to decipher it from handwriting.
My father is a master of remembering names although there are still times where a name eludes him. He tries very hard not to have those moments as it is highly awkward to hold a conversation like that. Although there have been several Christmases where my mom opens a card and has to ask him just who the person is. His descriptions alone generally jog the mind.
"Whose the card from?" My dad asks more of routine then curiosity. "I have no idea. Who are these people?" What followed was a description of where I might have seen them (doubtful). Brief overall of the way they looked (total blank). And a round about of 'the man used to go barefoot skiing' (because that is helpful?).
After five minutes of 'helpful' hints I still had a blank. No idea. Obviously they knew who I was, knew my father, and knew me? After thinking about this conundrum several days I have figured out the answer! I have no idea who you are or if we have actually spoken but I do want to thank you! Thank you for the card and thoughtfulness. I appreciate them both! So there. Now whoever you are, if you read this and sent me a get well card then met me and I didn't tell you thank you....well here's a thank you again. And maybe next time you could include a nice photo or a description more helpful than 'excellent at barefoot skiing' (although that is pretty sweet).
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