Friday, November 29, 2013

Chronically ill and Yet to Experience Black Friday

I have always wanted to experience Black Friday. Not because I hold a particular desire for any special items. For once I just want to be one of those 'slightly insane' people who waits outside a store for hours and then runs around frantically trying to outwit everyone for my 'goal.'

Most people would be amazed at my lack of experience. To understand you should know a little something about my family. They are not the type of people who see the point in braving the crazed crowds just for a bargain. Instead they prefer to relax. When we still owned a lake house (now we live on a lake) the whole family would spend Thanksgiving Day there. In the middle of nowhere. Just about as far from the crazy shopping scene as you could possibly get.

I apologize. I am not being entirely truthful about our shopping on Black Friday. We did go shopping for something: a Christmas tree. Yes. My parents are the type who insist on going to an actual tree farm to hunt through a forest of trees for the perfect one. After freezing for at least an hour they then come to an agreement which leads to someone having to saw down the blasted thing. I always volunteer. No one has ever let me anywhere near the base of a tree with a saw. And this was before I became chronically ill. Now I just refuse to go. No one ever decides on my choice of tree. So in the interest of myself I stay home in the warmth.

At least I can always enjoy the breakfast before hand. It's probably the only time all year my mother makes bacon and I do love bacon! I love it even more than the idea of experiencing Black Friday. Although that does not change my desire to go. I still plan on it. One day I will. As I say, once I have experienced it I can die happy. People roll their eyes at that. I guess I have an odd agenda on certain things.

Once I get healthy plan on seeing me freezing in a line somewhere on Black Friday. I doubt I will have a particular item in mind but the experience is the most important part. What good is life without truly experiencing it? And if Black Friday is the experience I am craving then bloody hell, I will be out there!

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