Monday, November 4, 2013

Hey Ho! I've Got the Flu but My Hands are Steadier

Yesterday I was feeling downright bad. Today is awful as in..I have the flu type misery. There are times when I cannot discern if I am suffering from flu-type sickness or just feeling 'worse-than-usual-with-more-random-problems' sickness. I woke up today with everything hurting. On the one side this is not entirely unusual. However, having ears which hurt is not in the usual and a sure sign of me being normal people sick.

If that were not enough of an indicator the feeling of being cold definitely points to me being sick. I know when it is cold, I can tell the surroundings are cold, but I never feel cold. Today I definitely do. I have been running my hot water heater for lovely cups of peach tea, sipped in porcelain tea cups of course. The sweater section of my closet was finally visited although I grabbed the first thing I saw (an A&F hoodie if one must know). Best of all, the 'fake' fireplace got actual use for the first time this fall. Nothing makes you warmer than flames which click on with a button, produce no smoke, and require no maintenance.

Not surprising my day has yet to accomplish little more than watching DVR'd shows and arguing with the dog over why he has to bark at one door when I am at another, make me go up the stairs to let him in the deck door only to see his tail go down the steps to where I was waiting for him in the first place! Sometimes I have to believe having a dog as your only companion for most of the day is crazy.

All in all, in keeping with the Surname positive thinking I have to say there is one very good thing about today. My fingers are no longer shaking like they did yesterday. They are much steadier and my hands look normal. Not like they belong to someone who is three times my own age. See, it's the little things in life which truly decide whether a day is worth getting up for or not.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, i speak spanish, but i can understand what you wrote. This is not only a poetical sentence but an image that become visible the outline´s soul, your soul.
