The latest chronically ill discovery has been a complete shock. I have had to come to terms with the understanding between the relationship of my roll-over crash months before my body fell apart and where I am now. To help clarify before revealing the lovely spine-twisted secret so kindly sprung upon me I need to back up. In mid-June of the year I got 'sick' I experienced something no one should ever have to.
While driving to my college to take a test for a summer course I had a car accident. By accident I mean, some douchebag would not let me merge and cut me off (though I had the right of way). The reason I needed to merge was because the two-lane quickly becomes one as it goes into the freeway. To compensate I had to move back into my now half-lane. This would have worked had we not been on a sharp curve which goes into the freeway. The curve and speed* meant my car lost control. I went down the steep hillside towards a fence. Someday I will share in detail but for now here is the jist. My car did not hit the fence. The fence, the sheriff later told me, acted like a clothesline and threw my little jeep 25 feet in the air. Everything not belted down was thrown out of the car. I smashed down. The windshield shattered but held together. Instantly the car rolled over. At that point I told myself, 'I am going to die. No way do I survive this.' To my surprise I survived. The car smashed down on its side and I was left with three inches of view through the now-glass free window held in place only by my seat belt. In the end, I survived (for a variety of reasons I will one day explain) with only a single stitch to my finger.
*I have always had an insane fear of getting a ticket. Why, I have no idea, but it meant I always drove my mother crazy by either going exactly at the speed limit or slightly under. So I definitely was not speeding when I lost control.
We were all so happy none of us considered the accident might have actually left more serious unseen damage. No one thought differently of it. When I became sick I rarely brought it up. No one really investigated. Although Dr. Frizzy hair, aka neurologist #1, saw several problems with my C6-C7 vertebrae on my first spinal MRI she brushed it off. No one bothered to do a whole spinal x-ray, MRI, or CT. You had pictures of pieces of me but no one thought to assemble the puzzle.
Until now. Before the x-rays were even taken the doctor moved my neck and pressed different areas. Yes, they hurt but the Traumatic Brain Injury neurologists I saw after my later concussion assumed it was part of the slow recovery from the fall causing it. Plus, I do not go around pushing on areas which cause pain. Especially when doing so aggravates the vertigo, dizziness, and shaking. I was not pleased when he did so. No one really likes collapsing during a standing x-ray or splashing water all over themselves because their hands make holding it properly impossible.
After developing and examining the x-rays he called us back into the room. When we came in, he had a normal spinal x-ray there. Then came my x-ray. My mother had a look of shock. She has a master's in language, not medicine, but even she was floored by it. I wanted to deny it as mine. Unfortunately, my unique belly button ring assured the world this was definitely me.
My spine was, for lack of a better word, demented. He traced its outline. The marker curved in and out. My brain had a bizarre thought of 'it looks like snakes and ladders.' The other x-ray was like a perfect ladder and mine was like a snake shape. To make matters worse in the C-6/C-7 are the spine was crunched together and twisted. He held up a special model of part of the spine. Put your finger in the area here. I did. 'This is what the spine is doing' and twisted it. My poor finger got squished and pinched at the movement.
The worst part was him proceeding to explain what the spine had done during the accident. I felt like he had been in the car feeling the exact moments. Yes. My body had done that. Yes. It had landed with my neck solidly on the belt. Yes. Yes. Yes. I wanted to scream no, no, no! I had been cut out with the Jaws of Life. Survived what should have killed most people. All I had was a scar on my finger as a reminder. This was impossible! Yes, the MRI of my upper spine had showed an issue there but surely someone would have noticed this parody of a spine.
At this point my shaking and vertigo had gotten so bad I had to lay down. The doctor must have assumed I was distracted. While I rearranged myself on the floor he quietly mentioned to my mother this was the worst case he had seen in over twenty years. Of course this does not include patients with scoliosis or other spinal diseases. Just unfortunates who have massive trauma and then faint and fall on their heads. Wait, that would be myself.
For those who read my blog you have already the first treatment experience. We need to put my spine to rights. He estimates it may take two-three or more months and I need to come twice a week. The hope is by releasing the twisting and pinching of the nerves and putting my spine to rights my health status will be greatly improved and (dare I hope) even allow me to finally get back to life as it should be or was anyway.
I am taking it one moment, one hour, one day at a time. He told me I seem to be a very strong and positive person with a great deal of determination. I prefer to think I am to stubborn to give up. Though I do have days where I would like to. We shall see where things go. The waiting and physical effects of putting my body to rights are the worst parts. I have been getting a lot of prayers and support to help me through this. I always laugh when people tell me they are praying for me and thank them! I laugh because its a joy to know how much people care. And I thank them because every prayer and thought is precious to me. Knowing they see me despite my health is a wonderful feeling!
L.Krause, you're going to destroy this thing. You will see. And when it's all over, you're going to be thankful for the experience. You're insanely strong and your courage and determination ought NEVER be undermined. Keep fightin' girl, cuz once you stop fighting, you're no longer living! Do that damn thing!!