Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Terra Cotta Warriors Provide Insight to the Chronically ill Battle

No chronically ill visit to China would be complete without seeing the Terra Cotta warriors in Xian. To say the least I was highly impressed. I still feel a bit awed. Looking at the pictures I see a likeness between them and all of us living a daily chronically ill battle.

 The history book pictures give the mistaken impression they found all the warriors looking pristine. They appear as new as the day they were crafted. Not unlike how we can appear to the world. I try to look like I've never heard the words 'chronically ill.' Some days I succeed. Others not so much.

What they really  found

The truth of the Terra Cotta warriors is sad. They were found in pieces. A complete historical jigsaw puzzle of arms, legs, heads, torsos etc. In the early days of this 'nonsense' I was a jumble of broken up pieces. Part of me was depressed, another insanely hoping it was all a fucked up dream, and the other just to confused to hope.

The museum's terra cotta warrior 'hospital'
In the museum you see a Terra Cotta warrior 'hospital.' Each piece is put together. Then refired to bring them back to their original state. We are a lot like that too. Over time I slowly started to bring together the pieces of me. 

Holding the pieces together
The process was tedious. I had to rebuild who I was and what I believed to be my purpose. The decision to hope was like the fire which completed me. Without it I would have been like the warriors held together by cellophane and determination. Complete but ready to fall apart all over again if not careful.

Today I see myself like the ones the world sees. A mystery as to the why they came about. I don't pretend to understand why my body had to fall apart so suddenly. Maybe one day we will know, perhaps never. In the end I see it as not truly mattering. The whys do not when you can see the beauty in what surrounds you. 

To those who have a chronic illness, know someone with one, are terrified of the medical world suddenly surrounding them, or find their lives a complete wreck...I will be honest. The path to rebuilding who you are is a long one. The pieces are not like my one-year old nieces simple puzzles. More like the ridiculous 1000+ jigsaws. You will need dedication to do this. 

The final result? Amazing!

If you have help along the way then wonderful. If not, know I am rooting for you to complete this. Keep up the hope. If you do then the pieces put together will stay that way. Sure there may be cracks which appear but they can be strengthened again.

The final result is something to be admired. You can inspire those around you with all you accomplish. Every day is worth living for. Tell those around you who let life's little things get in the way. Today's troubles do not have to mean the end of tomorrow's joys.

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