Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Chronically ill Humor: The Birthday Package That Wasn't

Both my parents were excited to inform me I had gotten a postcard from my brother (highly unusual & typically indecipherable) and a package in the mail. Packages are not uncommon as I am an avid online shopper. What was uncommon was the appearance of both together. Not to mention the package was not anything I could remember ordering.

The past few days have been downright horrible. Trying new treatment ideas is typically brutal on me. I have about zero curiosity outside of ideas on feeling better meaning the package sat there through two naps and most of the day. They kept 'reminding' me about its presence aka wanted to know what was inside.

After taking one look at the postcard which I knew would take about three hours to make sense of the handwriting I decided to just open the box instead. I don't know what I thought would be in there. Almost every week I get medication in the mail but always in a weird plastic packaging. Hence why my room is like a walk-in unorganized pharmacy.

With everyone distracted by the grandchild I took a stab into the plastic and ripped open the box (see? no tolerance for surprises when I'm sick). There was no card. No pretty paper. Nope. My 'birthday' package was a box filled with three months worth of one of my numerous medications. Maybe because I feel so sick or maybe because I have an odd sense of humor I found it all rather amusing.

I had to laugh a bit. Everyone was so excited over a mystery box of medication. What an ironic 'birthday' package for someone chronically ill like myself. Even birthdays never go by without a not so subtle reminder of this life.

My parents who had been eagerly awaiting the contents (I could have told them my brother is to cheap to send gifts via mail. He doesn't even send postcards unless they are free) looked downright disappointed when I told them what it was. My father even came over to look into the box itself like I had gotten confused about its contents. Sorry pops. The medical company just felt like sending a package ironically around my birthday. 

The box sits here on my kitchen counter as I write this. Looking at it makes me laugh all over again. I almost feel like writing a thank you to the company. 

'To whom it may concern, 
I would like to thank you for changing up your typical mailing packaging and the name of where it came from. You really threw me for a loop. Not to mention knowing just what to get me! What would I do without you guys to make these chronically ill birthdays so memorable? Next time let's go out for a drink to celebrate!
Sincerely yours,

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