Monday, January 6, 2014

Cold? I'm freezing my royal Rastafarian nay-nays off!

Today is a day where you must employ a little quoting from Cool Runnings and definite Surname Positive Thinking. When your chronic illness is like mine you are used to being a metaphorical 'bird in a gilded cage.' The house is nice, view is nice, but you still cannot leave unless someone helps you out. In the beginning it is a bit horrifying but you figure out ways to make do.

So cold. You might just snap off a dread lock or two!
One of the ways I 'make do' is by going outside alone, for a personal moment of entirely fresh air with a lake view. Sometimes my family is around all day. Those days I cannot go anywhere without them hovering over me. I cannot find a moment's peace in the fresh air if everyone wants to chaperone my very steps nor if they are sitting at the windows pretending not to be watching what i do.

To get my solitude on those days I wait until everyone goes to sleep. I am a night person plus the only person I have to worry about is my younger sister. She lives on the same floor but is rarely home. When home she sleeps like the dead. Even if I get up, go outside, come back, and move her over she rarely does  more than make a noise and roll over.

Today I was looking forward to a moment's peace in the winter air. The snow is perfectly white from a fresh fall and the sun is shining over the lake. If I could paint landscapes this would be a view worth capturing. Unfortunately this view also comes at the price of -40+ degrees F. Now that is cold with a capital C. 

Normally I would brave the cold but I move pretty slow. By the time I got outside to my usual place to stand and see the world I would probably be on the verge of frost-bite. Then have to slowly make my way back inside would mean being out in the ridiculous cold long enough for a lecture with possible medical attention needed.

With everyone around me I fear even getting to close to the door. They might blame my sudden insanity to go outside as being a concussion residual and send me back to bed to 'rest up without doing anything.' Looks like I will only be able to appreciate the fresh air from behind the windows of my 'gilded' cage.' 

To cheer myself up until the temperature gets back into the positive digits I will employ my Surname Positive Thinking. Hey ho! The negative temperatures are keeping me inside but at least I have a reason now to sip a glass of Riesling and enjoy the flames of the 'fake' fireplace!

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