Wednesday, December 4, 2013

"A Heart's a Heavy Burden" so Lighten Up with a Deep-Fryer! (says this chronically ill gal)

When it's late at night and everyone should be in bed is generally when I get the urge for something salty and fried. Being gluten-free was like a death sentence in the fryer area. I would ask...'is that gluten-free?' Get excited. Then instant buzz-kill at finding everything was all cooked in the same oil. Dang it people. Now that was just harsh even on the healthy me.

Back in the healthy days I finally got so fed up I declared, 'I'm just going to get my own freakin' deep fryer!' My parents thought this might be a brilliant Christmas gift (it was still July). Being themselves they each bought me a deep fryer. Meanwhile, I had completely forgotten about one. So when Christmas rolled around they were having a debate over which one would be best for me. I was just unaware all around.

Fast forward: Having a chronic illness means you can have restaurant quality french fries! Just get a deep fryer and tada! You are your own fast food place.  Minus the plastic booths and cheap visors. 

Tonight I am in the mood for some delicious deep fried food. I am complimenting it with a film I hold quite a fondness for. Once I got over how weird it looked that is. My favorite line happens to be 'A Heart's a Heavy Burden' said by Sophie to Howl. The animated picture is of the young Howl 'swallowing a fallen star.' Everything about the film, which I never pictured I would enjoy, are worth sharing. So I have. You can check out my review here: . Sorry. No deep-fried food is included.

Swallowing a star (kinda looks a bit like vomiting though)

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