Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Why? Because a Little Love Goes a Long Christmas Tree Way

Every year there are two trees which go up in our home. The 'went out to the middle of nowhere, nearly lost fingers in the cold, and narrowly survived another year' beautiful, completely natural tree. On it go only glass ornaments, handmade straw stars, red candles in little holders, strictly white lights, and  long ago, tinsel. This tree is the 'star' of their Christmas parties. Everyone always compliments them on having such a remarkable tree, truly one to be remembered.
Lookin' pretty good I say!

Then there is the tree no one remembers. The tree which grows a little more ragged each year with its fake needles and bendable branches. On it go all the ornaments which do not pass the strict standards necessary to be a part of the beautiful holiday tree. Ornaments like decorated candy canes, 
childhood Christmas projects, old glass bulbs and anything plastic or tacky. Over the years I have grown very fond of this tree.

I suppose if trees could sympathize then it would be with me. Every year I insist on taking it out even though I know the only person decorating it will be me. I will sit there and carefully unbend the branches, restring the lights, and pick my way through the ornaments unloved. The result is not impressive (barely my height), expensive, or wow-worthy. Just a comfortable old tree who is here this year and will hopefully be around the next. 

As I write this I get caught up in its lights. I've turned off the fireplace flames leaving the tree lights to give off a soft glow. From where I sit I find the effect to be beautiful in a different way. Perhaps it is because I know this tree was decorated out of love for the 'old days' or maybe life is simply much sweeter when you know how precious it is.

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