Saturday, September 7, 2013

Have YOU Smiled Today?

Who wouldn't smile about a new Jr. Ranger badge?
The best compliments I ever receive are those which tell me I have a nice smile. As far as smiles go I know mine is rather average and truly not anything to write home about. The point is not whether or not my smile is good-looking but the fact that a person has noticed it. To me it means they see the optimism I feel in life. They are not looking at the pathetic excuse my body often becomes. Instead they see the smile which makes me who I am.

Was I always so smiley? Hell no. I had better things in life to do then go around smiling. My face wasn't locked in a scary grim expression but I definitely did not smile just for the sake of facing down another day. Now I smile all the time. I do it when I'm in pain which is often and even when I am feeling particularly down about my health. The reason is simple: a smile makes the world a brighter place. In the hospital or ER the nurses and even doctors will smile back at me. They face so much every day and deserve a smile more than anyone I know. When my cardiologists seems me he is always happy to see I'm smiling. "Keep on smiling" is what he says. So I do. 

There are days where the treatments I face hurt terribly, my senses are off so I cannot walk or see properly, and my hands shake so badly I cannot do even the simplest tasks successfully. Those are days where I smile the most for those I love.They need to know I am not giving up. Just as much as I need their smile to assure me they feel the same about me. 

Mostly though, I smile because I am happy to merely be here. Even on days where I need a walker and have to rely on my family for the simplest tasks I cannot help but smile. There are people who sneer at the idea of being happy over such a stupid thing. Is it really so stupid? As long as you are alive there is a reason to smile. If not for you, then for those around you. Smiles are infectious. I won't compare it to many of the disease I so love to learn about. Even if learning something new each day does make me smile like a moron. 

So have you smiled today? Not a grimacing sarcastic smile but a true one? The type which makes all of us look a little more beautiful.Maybe you have, Maybe you are appalled at the very idea. No matter if anyone sees it or not. Give it a try. You never know where a smile will take you.

Optimistic thought of the day: The horrible storms passed through and the sun is shining like crazy. How can I not be smiling?

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