Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Shaky Cane Girl Threads a Needle Today!

 Yesterday I was afraid this week's sewing time was going to have to be cancelled due to a very bad case of the 'shakes.' Today I woke up (after a mere 3 hrs of sleep) to find my hands steadier than they have been in quite a while. I was exhausted but absolutely thrilled. For the first time in months putting in my contacts was a first-try-only-needed process. Which made putting on mascara a breeze because I could gauge the distance properly. The other day I mascarared my eyeball, which hurt really really bad, because without my glasses my vision is terrible and my shakiness only confuses my brain.

The most wonderful part of the day came when I was replacing my red thread with white for attaching lace to the sleeve hem. My sewing companion threaded the machine but I insisted on threading the needle myself. I needed multiple tries, trimmed the thread repeatedly, and did every trick I could think of to help me. The result was success! True. I did waste a bit of time threading the damn thing but knowing my hands could do it was well worth my time.

In celebration of my success my father took me out for lunch. Which was later followed by me sleeping a way a great deal of the afternoon. Mentally, I feel it twas a very successful day. Physically...definitely not my greatest. O well. It takes the bad days to appreciate the good ones :)

Positive Thought of the Day: Learning something new will make your day a little brighter and your brain a few neurons smarter...

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